Prelab 8: Motor Dynamics and Control Simulation

In this prelab, we will model a conventional DC Motor and simulate it with a PWM input. Then we will apply a discrete PID controller to control the velocity of the motor. A MATLAB Live Script is available here to get you started.

Motor Model

A conventional DC Motor can be modeled as part electrical part mechanical, together termed as an electromechanical system. As shown in the following figure.

The motor can be modeled as a second order system with the transfer function, where input is voltage and output is angular velocity.

Ω(s)Ea(s)=KTJLs2+(JR+DL)s+(DR+KTKE) \dfrac{\Omega (s)}{E_a(s)} = \dfrac{K_T}{JLs^2+(JR+DL)s+(DR+K_TK_E)}


JJ is the motor load's inertia in Kgm2Kg\cdot m^2

DD is the motor viscous friction constant in NmsN\cdot m \cdot s

KEK_E is the back EMF constant in V/(rads)V/(rad \cdot s)

KTK_T is the motor torque constant in NmAN\cdot \frac{m}{A}

RR is the electrical resistance of the motor in OhmsOhms

LL is the electrical inductance of the motor in HH

The above is a second order system. Note that sometimes the inductance LL is dropped, but that's valid only for when treating the steady-state behavior of the motor response. It's key to keep the inductance as we are interested in the transient response of the motor.

Let's simulate the response of the motor to a step input. The input here would be Ea=1VE_a=1V. A step voltage input is analogous to suddenly switching the motor on. We expect the motor to accelerate to a specific steady-state speed.

The steady-state speed of the motor for a given input, is affected by all the parameters of the motor, and mainly the load JJ since it is the one most likely to change in operation.

% Define Motor Parameters
J = 0.06; D =0.03; 
Kt = 0.07; Ke = 0.03; 
R = 0.07; L = 0.04;
s = tf("s");
Gp = Kt / (J * L * s^2 + (J*R + D*L)*s + (D*R + Kt*Ke))
[x,t] = step(Gp);
plot(t,x, 'LineWidth',3, 'color', 'k'); xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('[rad/s]'); grid on; hold on;
hold off;

Gp =
  0.0024 s^2 + 0.0054 s + 0.0042
Continuous-time transfer function.

The motor, when given a 1V1V input, slowly accelerates until it reaches the steady-state speed of around 16.67rad/s16.67rad/s

PWM Signal as input

When using a microcontroller to regulate the voltage applied to a motor, it is likely that a PWM signal is used, the PWM signal will control a switching semiconductor or an H-Bridge motor driver circuit for instance. Let's look at the affect of changing the PWM signal frequency on the motor response to a step input.

A function pwm is provided which returns an array of timed input values.

Here is the emulated PWM signal.

duty = 50;
frequency = 10;
t_length = 4 / frequency;
[t, u] = pwm(duty, frequency, t_length);
plot(t,u, 'LineWidth',3, 'color', 'k'); xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('[V]'); grid on; hold on;
ylim([-.1, 1.1])
xlim([0, t(1,end)*1.1])

Let's simulate the response of the DC motor to a PWM signal with varying frequencies.

frequency = [2 20 200]
duty = 50;
for ix = 1:length(frequency)
    f = frequency(ix);
    t_length = 5;
    [t, u] = pwm(duty, f, t_length);
    [x, t] = lsim(Gp, u, t)
    plot(t,x, 'LineWidth',3, 'color', 'k'); xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('[V], [rad/s]'); grid on; hold on;
    hold on
    plot(t,u, 'LineWidth', 1, 'color', 'r')
    title(append('PWM freq = ', num2str(frequency(ix)), 'Hz, 50% duty'))

The motor behaves as an electromechanical low-pass filter. When high frequency inputs are supplied, the motor attenuates the AC components and responds to the DC components, which, for a PWM signal, is the average value of the signal. The general recommendation for choosing a PWM frequency is to stay above the human audible range, away from the natural frequencies of the components in the motor control sysem, but not have the frequency too high as it will degrate the efficiency of the switching semiconductors.

Feedback Control

To control the speed of the motor precisely, and consequently its position, feedback control is required. Assuming the availability of a sensor to measure the actual speed of the motor, we can apply a PID controller to achieve a specific transient and steady-state response. The feedback control on the motor with the PID controller can be modeled in the s-domain and simulated with the transfer function of the system.

The transfer function of the PID controller is given as

GPID(s)=Kds2+Kps+Kis G_{PID}(s)=\dfrac{K_ds^2+K_ps+K_i}{s}

Assuming unity feedback (ignoring sensor dynamics) the closed-loop system, i.e. the complete new system with the motor and controller in feedback becomes:

Gcl(s)=Gc(s)Gp(s)1+Gc(s)Gp(s) G_{cl}(s)=\dfrac{G_c(s)G_p(s)}{1+G_c(s)G_p(s)}

Using the function feedback() from the Control Systems Toolbox in matlab, this can be calculated from GcG_c and GpG_p as feedback(Gc*Gp,1), or computed directly using the above equation.

Let's simulate the closed-loop response of the motor with the PID controller, to control the speed of the motor.

Kp = 20; Ki = 15; Kd = 1;

Gc = (Kd*s^2+Kp*s+Ki)/s
Gcl = feedback(Gc*Gp,1)
[x,t] = step(Gcl)
plot(t,x, 'LineWidth',3, 'color', 'k'); xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('[rad/s]'); grid on; hold on;

The speed reaches Ω=1rad/s\Omega = 1 rad/s which corresponds to the reference of rΩ=1rad/sr_{\Omega} = 1 rad/s, in other words, the steady-state error e=rΩΩ=0e_\infty = r_{\Omega} - \Omega =0. There is about 20%20\% overshoot and the settling time is around Ts=0.25sT_s=0.25s. You can verify these specifications by running stepinfo(Gcl) in MATLAB. By tuning the PID gains the response characteristics can be changed to achieve the required and satisfactory results.

Numerical Integration

The above simple simulation is good for understanding the dynamic response characteristics of a system and the general form of the controller that is suitable. Often times, the real system has added constraints and nonlinearities that can not be modeled in the transfer function. It's almost always better to resort to the good ol' basic numerical integration method to simulate the dynamics of a system.

The numerical integration simulation is also a discrete setup, which is similar in form to what occurs on the microcontroller. When we apply a PID controller on a motor using a microcontroller what we have is a continuous "plant" and a discrete, or digital, controller.

The continuous PID control law in the time domain is given as

u(t)=Kpe(t)+Kie(t)dt+Kde˙(t) u(t) = K_p e(t) + K_i \int{e(t) dt} + K_d \dot{e}(t)

The continuous PID controller form can be used in the code of the microcontroller. The integral of the error and the derivative of the error would each be computed numerically, by numerical integration and numerical differentiation respectively. But a better approach is to use the discrete form of the PID controller.

Digital PID Controller

Similar to how we converted a continuous filter transfer function into a discrete filter transfer function then onto a difference equation, we can apply the same thing and derive the following discrete PID control law

A filter, a motor or a controller are all dynamic systems that have an input and output and can be modeled as a transfer function, both in the continuous-domain or digital-domain

u[k]=u[k1]+a e[k]+b e[k1]+c e[k2] u[k] = u[k-1] + a\,e[k] + b\,e[k-1] + c\, e[k-2]

Note that the error is not differentiated nor integrated, all is needed is the current and past two values of the error, as well as the last output of the controller uu. The integration and differentiation of the error is performed implicitly within the difference equation.

The gains a,b,ca,b,c are the digital PID controller gains, they are a function of the continuous PID gain Kp,Ki,KdK_p, K_i, K_d in addition to the sampling time TsT_s of the controller (the time-period at which the controller is calculated or executed):




To simulate the system response, we need a time domain model of the motor dynamics, with the state (we include current here as well to see its response)

x=[ΩΩ˙I]=[x1x2x3]x=\begin{bmatrix} \Omega \\ \dot{\Omega} \\ I \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \end{bmatrix} x˙=[Ω˙Ω¨I˙]=[Ω˙1JL(KTEa(DR+KTKE)Ω(JR+DL)Ω˙)(EaKEΩRI)/L]=[x21JL(KTEa(DR+KTKE)x1(JR+DL)x2)(EaKEx1Rx3)/L] \dot{x} = \begin{bmatrix} \dot{\Omega} \\ \ddot{\Omega} \\ \dot{I}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \dot{\Omega} \\ \dfrac{1}{JL}(K_T E_a - (DR+K_TK_E)\Omega -(JR+DL)\dot{\Omega} ) \\ (E_a - K_E \Omega - RI) / L \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_2 \\ \dfrac{1}{JL}(K_T E_a - (DR+K_TK_E)x_1-(JR+DL)x_2 ) \\ (E_a - K_E x_1 - Rx_3) / L \end{bmatrix}

At every time-step integrate x˙\dot{x} using first order forward integration.

x˙=x[k+1]x[k]Δtx[k+1]=x[k]+x˙Δt\dot{x} =\dfrac{x[k+1]-x[k]}{\Delta t}\rightarrow x[k+1]=x[k]+\dot{x}\Delta t

First-order forward integration is sufficient for linear systems, assuming small time-steps Δt\Delta t. For nonlinear models, it is recommended to evaluate the numerical accuracy of the integration method used.

Kp = 20; Ki = 15; Kd = 1; Ts = 0.01;
a = (Kp + Ki * Ts / 2 + Kd / Ts); b = (-Kp + Ki * Ts / 2 - 2 * Kd / Ts); c = Kd / Ts

dxdt = @(t,x,E)[ 
    1/(J*L) * (Kt*E - (D*R + Kt*Ke)*x(1) - (J*R + D*L)*x(2));
    (E - Ke*x(1)-R*x(3))/L
t = 0:Ts:4;
x_sim = zeros(3,length(t)); % Empty 2xn array
u = zeros(1,length(t)); % Empty 1xn vector
e = u; % Empty 1xn vector
r = 5;
for ix = 1:length(t)

    % Compute the error
    e(1, ix) = r -  x_sim(1, ix);
    % Calculate the next input value 
    if (ix > 2)
        u(1,ix) = u(1,ix-1) + a * e(1,ix) + b * e(1,ix-1) + c * e(1,ix-2);    
    elseif (ix == 2)
        u(1,ix) = u(1,ix-1) + a * e(1,ix) + b * e(1,ix-1) + 0;
    elseif (ix == 1)
        u(1,ix) =  0 + a * e(1,ix) + 0 + 0;
    xdot = dxdt(t(ix), x_sim(:,ix), u(1,ix)); % Grab the derivative vector
    if(ix < length(t) )
        x_sim(:, ix+1) = x_sim(:, ix) + xdot * Ts;      

plot(t, u(1,:)); title('Input [V]'); xlabel('Time [s]');  grid on;
plot(t, x_sim(1,:)); title('Velocity [rad/s]'); xlabel('Time [s]'); grid on;
plot(t, x_sim(3,:)); title('Current [A]'); xlabel('Time [s]'); grid on;
plot(t, e(1,:)); title('Error [rad/s]'); xlabel('Time [s]'); grid on;


Notice how the voltage spikes initially, well, in reality you aren't likely to a have a power supply source that provides this amount of voltage, or you may not want to exceed a certain voltage for other reasons (max current). This saturation constraint produces a nonlinear behavior, but it is easy to simulate with the setup we have.

Assume the voltage can not exceed a magnitude of 10V10V, we add the constraint check.

if u_sat(1,ix) > 10
    u_sat(1,ix) = 10;
elseif u_sat(1,ix) < -10
    u_sat(1,ix) = -10;

The complete simulation becomes

t = 0:Ts:4;
x_sim_sat = zeros(3,length(t)); % Empty 2xn array
u_sat = zeros(1,length(t)); % Empty 1xn vector
e_sat = u_sat; % Empty 1xn vector
r = 5;
for ix = 1:length(t)

    % Compute the error
    e_sat(1, ix) = r -  x_sim_sat(1, ix);
    % Calculate the next input value 
    if (ix > 2)
        u_sat(1,ix) = u_sat(1,ix-1) + a * e_sat(1,ix) + b * e_sat(1,ix-1) + c * e_sat(1,ix-2);    
    elseif (ix == 2)
        u_sat(1,ix) = u_sat(1,ix-1) + a * e_sat(1,ix) + b * e_sat(1,ix-1) + 0;
    elseif (ix == 1)
        u_sat(1,ix) =  0 + a * e_sat(1,ix) + 0 + 0;
    % Apply saturation limits 
    if u_sat(1,ix) > 10
        u_sat(1,ix) = 10;
    elseif u_sat(1,ix) < -10
        u_sat(1,ix) = -10;
    xdot = dxdt(t(ix), x_sim_sat(:,ix), u_sat(1,ix)); % Grab the derivative vector
    if(ix < length(t) )
        x_sim_sat(:, ix+1) = x_sim_sat(:, ix) + xdot * Ts;      

plot(t, u_sat(1,:)); title('Input [V]'); xlabel('Time [s]');  grid on; hold on;
plot(t, u(1,:))
legend('Saturation', 'No Saturation')
plot(t, x_sim_sat(1,:)); title('Velocity [rad/s]'); xlabel('Time [s]'); grid on; hold on;
plot(t, x_sim(1,:)); legend('Saturation', 'No Saturation')
plot(t, x_sim_sat(3,:)); title('Current [A]'); xlabel('Time [s]'); grid on; hold on;
plot(t, x_sim(1,:));legend('Saturation', 'No Saturation');
plot(t, e_sat(1,:)); title('Error [rad/s]'); xlabel('Time [s]'); grid on; hold on;
plot(t, e(1,:)); legend('Saturation', 'No Saturation');

As you can see, adding the saturation limit makes the simulation significantly more realistic. For the motor with the saturation limits applied, the gains can be retuned to produce a balanced input values.

Improvement to the model

In addition to saturation limits, and assuming the motor parameters are verified to reflect those of the actual motor being simulated, there are additional improvements to the model that are possible

How much reality is enough?

It depends on what you are trying to do. If it is fairly simple to setup the experiment on the real motor, it would make more sense to head straight and try the controller on the micrcontroller directly. In fact, with experimentation, the model in the simulation can be adjusted and tuned to reflect reality.