Part A
Part B
Next: Part I L7 - The General Second-Order System
Introduce the concepts of Poles and Zeros of a Transfer Function
Review the response of a First-Order System
Introduce Second-Order Systems
In this lecture, we will start to classify systems based on their response characteristics. So far, we introduced the transfer function as a way to represent a system model, now we will introduce a different way to represent a system. We will introduce a graphical way to represent a system. We will also introduce standard performance specifications, that will help us in analyzing the performance of systems.
The output response of a system is the sum of the forced response and natural response
Given the equation of motion for a system, we can mathematically obtain its output response But there are qualitative ways of studying the output response of the system. One technique is to look at the poles and zeros of a system and their relationship to the output response.
Poles and zeros can be derived from a system’s transfer function.
Poles (denoted by the symbol ) of a transfer function can either be:
The values of that cause the transfer function to become infinite, or
Any roots of the denominator of the transfer function that are common to the numerator’s.
Example: The two poles of , are
Example: The three poles of , are
Note that mathematically where the latter form has only two poles; however, is still is a pole of the original system, it is only that the effect of this pole is cancelled in this case.
Zeros (denoted by the symbol ) of a transfer function can either be
The values of that cause the transfer function to become zero, or
Any roots of the numerator of the transfer function 𝐺(𝑠) that are common with the denominator’s
Example: The zero of the transfer function , is
Example: The two zeros of the transfer function , are
In later sections, we will learn why its important to keep in mind the pole-zero cancellation behavior.
In the Laplace domain, we defined
The s-plane is where we plot the values of . Poles and Zeros are graphically placed on the s-plane. The figure shows a graphical representation of the transfer function:
Note that the gain 5 is not captured on the graph (we will deal with expressing the gain value under the Root-Locus section)
With respect to the pole location on the s-plane:
A pole on the real negative axis produces an exponentially decaying response.
A pole pair on the imaginary axis produce a sinusoidal response.
A pole on the real positive axis produces an exponentially growing response. (unstable response)
A pole at the origin produces a step response.
For the system with the transfer function , write, by inspection, the output in general terms, to a ramp input and specify the natural and forced response parts.
A first-order system is a system whose highest derivative order is 1, or who’s characteristic equation is of degree 1.
Example: The system (internal system dynamics) with , is a not first order system per se, but the system response is a first-order response, due to the pole-zero cancellation.
Example: The system with is a first-order system with a zero
Examples of First Order Systems:
Heat Transfer (Thermometer)
Interest Rate Growth
RC Circuit
In the context of control system design, there are well defined performance specifications that we evaluate, such as: Rise Time , Settling Time , Time Constant , Percentage Overshoot, Peak Time . These are common characteristics, but performance specifications are not limited to them in the design of real control systems. We will define some performance specifications for First-Order systems.
Performance specifications for first-order systems are defined for , a first-order system with no zero.
Moreover, the specifications are defined for a response to a unit-step input.
: ,
Time constant is the time required for to decay to of its initial value. The reciprocal of the time constant, is called the exponential frequency
The time for the response to go from 0.1 to 0.9 of its final value
For the Order System ,
The time required for the response to reach and stay within of its final value.
For the 1st Order System ,
Other times, the settling time is defined with a different than target, is common as well. In this course we will use the target when defining
Remember that the above defined equations are strictly for a system with the transfer function of the form , in response to a unit step input.
The figure shows the response of a system measured experimentally, identify the type of system response and find the time constant, rise time and settling time of the system.
Next: Part I L7 - The General Second-Order System