
When you need to store a series of numbers or characters of the same data type, you can use arrays. The elements of an array are stored next to each other in memory. Imagine adjacent and similar houses along a neighborhood street. To find the memory size of the array, multiply the array size by the byte size of the data type of the array. An 4 element array of uint16_t (two bytes) would require 2x4=8 bytes of memory in storage.

Let's take a look at how we can declare, define and access arrays.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
    uint16_t A[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; /* A five element array */
    uint16_t B[3][2] = {{1,10},{300,230},{100,120}}; /* A 3x2 element array */
    float    C[2] = {0.0}; /* Assigns 0.0 to both array elements */
    int16_t  D[3] = {-1, 2}; /* Third element assigned 0 */
    cout << A[2] << endl; /* Output: 3, index starts at 0 */
    cout << B[2][0] << endl; /* Output: 100 */
    cout << C[1] << endl; /* Output: 0.0 */
    cout << D[2] << endl; /* Output: 0 */
    return 0;

To declare an array you need to specify its type, give it a valid name and postfix it with a bracket and a number denoting the size of the array. To create a two-dimensional array you can use two brackets, and so on.

There are multiple ways to define an array. Elements of the array can be defined inside curly braces with a comma separator. Array A is a 5 element array and here we declared AND defined the array, giving the following five values to the array: 1,2,3,4,5.

uint16_t A[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};  /* A five element array */

For multi-dimensional arrays we can define inner dimensions subarrays. Here the array B is a 3 by 2 array and we declared and defined the array. Note how we define the 3 – 2 element arrays.

uint16_t B[3][2] = {{1,10},{300,230},{100,120}}; /* A 3x2 element array */

Array C here is a float type array of size 2. We defined the array by assigning the value 0.0, what happens here is the remaining elements get assigned a value of zero.

float    C[2] = {0.0}; /* Assigns 0.0 to both array elements */

Array D is a three element array, only two elements are defined. The last element is defaulted to zero.

int16_t  D[3] = {-1, 2}; /* Third element assigned 0 */

In C/C++ indexing starts from 0. To access the first element of the array we call the zeroth index. Calling A[2] here would retrieve the value 3, the third element of the array.

Calling B[2][0] here would retrieve the 1st elements of the third sub-array, which returns 100.

ASCII Characters

Arrays can be used to store a series of letters and other characters to form words and sentences. Before we discuss that, we have to first introduce ASCII characters.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a standard for expressing a list of characters mapped to a sequential list of numbers.

Initially, ASCII characters were based off of 7-bit encoding. So only 127 characters were defined. Then came the extended ASCII characters which has 8-bit encoding, giving us 255 characters.

When ASCII characters are referenced nowadays, they refer to the 8-bit encoding 255 characters. Recall that a char data type is an 8-bit integer. Which explains the origin of the char keyword.

ASCII Table. Source

Character Arrays

Let’s look at the different ways we can work with character assignments in C++.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
    uint8_t A = 68;
    uint8_t B = '8';
    uint8_t C[6] = "Hello";
    cout << (int)A << endl; /* Output: 68 */
    cout << A << endl; /* Output: D, ASCII character, uint8_t is treated as char*/
    cout << B << endl; /* Output: 8, ASCII character */
    cout << (int)B << endl; /* Output: 56, the decimal value for the ASCII character '6' */
    cout << C << endl; /* Output: Hello */
    cout << &C << endl; /* Output: Address */
    return 0;

We assign the value 68 to the variable A. From the ASCII table, the decimal number 68 maps to the capital letter D.

If we were to print the decimal value of A we would get 68. What we did here is change the type of A from an unsigned 8-bit int to an int which is a 32bit signed int. Type casting is discussed separately.

But note what happens when we print A without type casting. Since the type of A is uint8_t, which equates to a char, it is thus treated as a character and the stream would output the letter D. If we defined A to be uint16_t instead, the output of A would be the decimal 68 not the capital D. This is a subtle issue but worth noting. Again the decimal value 68 or the character D are two equal values represented differently.

cout << (int)A << endl; /* Output: 68 */
cout << A << endl; /* Output: D, ASCII character, uint8_t is treated as char*/

To assign an ASCII character to a variable we can use single quotes. Here we assign the character 8, not the number 8, but the character 8 to the variable B. Consult the ascii table, what is the decimal number that maps to the character 8?

uint8_t B = '8';

We can store a string of characters into an array by using double quotes: " ". The difference between single (' ') and double quotes(" "), is that a double quote includes a NULL terminator at the end of the string. The NULL terminator marks the end of a string. Say you are sending a stream of strings, in order for the receiver to know where each string terminates, it will look for the character NULL which has the numeric value of 0 in the ASCII table.

Next: Type Qualifiers and Storage Specifiers