Arithmetic Operations

If you have taken any math class in your life this will not look foreign to you. The four basic math operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) don’t require any additional library and headers in C/C++.

+Additionc = a + b
+=Addition assignment ( x+=y equiv. to x = x+y)c += b
-Subtractionc = b – a
-=Subtraction assignment ( x-=y equiv. to x=x-y)c -= b
*Multiplicationj = count*4
*=Multiplication assignment ( x=y equiv. to x=xy)i *= k
/Divisionf = r / 13
/=Division assignment ( x/=y equiv. to x=x/y)f /= 13
++Increment by one (++j is equiv. to j += 1)i++
--Decrement by one (--j is equiv. to j -= 1)--i
%Modulus Operatorc = 3 % 2 (ans: 1)

Moreover, in C/C++ there is what is called an operation assignment. For example, if you wanted to add the value y to the variable x, you can do x = x + y or you can do x+=y. The two are equivalent. This latter one is called an addition assignment.

The same can be done for subtraction, division and multiplication.

We also have increment and decrement operators which are a handy way to increase or decrease a variable by 1 integer value, respectively.

Arithmetic Assignment

The following two codes are exactly equivalent. Their assembly codes are exactly the same in fact. First we declare an int, initialize it to 0. Then increment it by 10, decrement it by 4, divide it by 2 then multiply it by 5 and finally increment it by 1. The final value of a should be 16

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int a = 0;
    a += 10;
    a -= 4;
    a /= 2;
    a *= 5;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int a = 0;
    a = a + 10;
    a = a - 4;
    a = a / 2;
    a = a * 5;
    a = a + 1;
    return 0;

Post vs. Pre Increment

With increment and decrement operators, there is a difference between pre-incrementing and post-incrementing. To pre-increment K we would write ++k and to post-increment k we would write k++.

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int k = 1;
    std::cout<<"k = "<< k++ <<std::endl;
    /* The output would be: k = 1 */
    return 1;
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int k = 1;
    std::cout<<"k = "<< ++k <<std::endl;
    /* The output would be: k = 2 */
    return 1;

So what’s the difference you ask. Well, when you pre-increment a variable, what you are requesting is that a variable is first incremented and then read and used in the algorithm.

In the second example the variable k was initially 1, it was incremented first then used in the cout command, so the output would be 2. But with the first example, the variable k is first read, used in the cout command and then incremented. So the output of cout is 1.

In other words, with pre-: operate on it then use it, and with post-: use it then operate on it.

Bitwise Operations

Expressing Binary and Hexadecimal Values

Before we overview bitwise operations, let’s learn how to express binary and hex values in C/C++.

To express binary numbers we add the prefix 0b and to denote hex numbers we add the prefix 0x.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>

using namespace std; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
    int b = 0b10001100; /* Store a binary value in b*/
    bitset<8> binary_var(b); /* Convert format for display only */
    int hex_var  = 0x8C; /* Store a hexadecimal value in hex_var */
    cout << "binary = " << binary_var << endl; 
    cout << "hex = " << hex << hex_var << endl; /* use std::hex to format into hex*/
    return 0; 
binary = 10001100
hex = 8c

It’s not often required to print out binary or hex values through cout. But if needed, for a binary display you can covert the format as shown here using the bitset template. But you need to bring in the <bitset> header file.

bitset<8> binary_var(b); /* Convert format for display only */

To print a value in hex format through cout, include the keyword hex double angle left angle brackets. Any variable can be printed in hex for this way.

cout << "hex = " << hex << hex_var << endl; /* use std::hex to format into hex*/

Bitwise Operators

Remember that everything in memory is ultimately stored as 1's and 0's. A char or uint8_t variable requires 8-bits of memory (8 1's or 0's).

We can operate on bits directly. Manipulating memory and variables on a bit level is essential in embedded programming. The following table summarizes the bitwise operations used.

&Bitwise ANDPerforms AND operation on each corresponding bit of two arguments and returns result
|Bitwise ORPerforms OR operation on each corresponding bit of two arguments and returns result
^Bitwise Exclusive ORPerforms Exclusive OR operation on each corresponding bit of two arguments and returns result
~Bitwise NOTPerforms a NOT operation on all the bits of an argument and returns the result
<< or >>Right shift or Left shiftShift bits of argument 1 right/left by argument 2 places

Logical Bitwise Operations

Let’s look at how we can apply some of the bitwise operations. Here we define three variables. We directly assign binary numbers to a and b, and a hex number to c which has the this binary value.

The following four operations show how to perform an AND, an OR, a NOR and a NOT operation.

You can also perform bitwise assignment as well. Numbers can be expressed in binary, hex as well as decimal.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

    uint8_t a = 0b00001000;
    uint8_t b = 0b10001111;
    uint8_t c = 0xF7; /* 11110111 */

    uint8_t r1 = a & b; /* AND operation, result: 00001000 */
    uint8_t r2 = a | c; /* OR operation,  result: 11111111 */
    uint8_t r3 = a ^ b; /* NOR operation, result: 10000111 */
    uint8_t r4 = ~c;    /* NOT operation, result: 00001000 */

    cout << "r1= " << hex << (int)r1 << "\n" ;
    cout << "r2= " << hex << (int)r2 << "\n" ;
    cout << "r3= " << hex << (int)r3 << "\n" ;
    cout << "r4= " << hex << (int)r4 << "\n" ;

    r1 |= b; /* OR operation, result: 10001111 */
    cout << "r1= " << hex << (int)r1 << "\n" ;
    return 0; 
Output (hex format):
r1= 8
r2= ff
r3= 87
r4= 8
r1= 8f


On a bit level an AND operation is similar to multiplication. If one is zero, the results is zero.

uint8_t r1 = a & b; /* AND operation, result: 00001000 */


With OR, if at least one is 1 the result is 1

uint8_t r2 = a | c; /* OR operation,  result: 11111111 */


With a NOR operation, if only one is equal to 1, the result is 1.

uint8_t r3 = a ^ b; /* NOR operation, result: 10000111 */


A NOT operation just toggles the value.

uint8_t r4 = ~c;    /* NOT operation, result: 00001000 */


It is often convenient to shift values at the bit level, especially when working with embedded systems.

Shifting, as the name implies, means moving the bits either to the left or the right, by a specified amount. To perform the shift, we use the double angled brackets followed by the number of shifts.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

    uint8_t a = 0b00000100;
    uint8_t b = 0b10001111;
    uint8_t c = 0xF7; /* 11110111 */

    uint8_t r1 = a >> 2; /* Shift operation, result: 00000001 */
    uint8_t r2 = b << 4; /* Shift operation, result: 11110000 */
    uint8_t r3 = (a<<1) | c; /* Shift + OR NOR operation, result: 11111111 */
    bitset<8> bin(r3);
    cout << hex << bin << endl;
    return 0; 

Bit shifting requires little effort by the CPU, it is actually also useful as a faster arithmetic technique. A right shift can be used to divide by powers of 2 rounded down. But users of this technique for arithmetic operations need to be wary of overflow and loss of precision.

Shifting right

When shifting to the right, the rightmost bits fall into a black hole and disappear, the new ones to the left are zero (no circulation)

uint8_t r1 = a >> 2; /* Shift operation, 2 places, result: 00000001 */

Shifting left

Similary, when shifting to the left, the leftmost bits fall into a giant pit and disappear, the new ones to the right are zero.

uint8_t r2 = b << 4; /* Shift operation, 4 places, result: 11110000 */

Bit numbering

In an 8-bit memory, the first bit to the left is denoted as bit 0 and the last one to the left as bit 7. With Little Endian convention, the lowest bit address (bit 0) is called the Least Significant Bit (LSB) and the bit with the highest address (bit 7 here) is called Most Significant Bit (MSB)

Logical Operations

Logical expressions refer to expressions that can either be true or false. In C++ there is a bool data type, which can take only true or false as a value. The bool type is not built-in the C language, but can be easily defined manually as is often done. However, it is safer to have the bool type built-in.

Numerically, a zero is treated as false and a non-zero (not just 1) value is treated as true. Performing logical operations on logical expressions is done via the following operators.

&&Logical ANDReturns 1 if inputs are all nonzero, 0 otherwise
||Logical ORReturns 0 if all inputs are zero, 1 otherwise
!Logical NOTReturn the opposite of the logical value
<, >, ==Greater than, less than, logical equalReturns 1 if argument one is (gt, lt, equal to) argument two, 0 otherwise

Note that here we use a double ampersand for a logical AND, while we use a single ampersand for a bitwise AND operation.

Comparisons can also be done for numerical values.

Here are a few examples of how logical operations are used.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
    uint8_t a = 3; uint8_t b = 4; float c = 3.0; float d = 3.001; 

    bool r1 = (a == 3) && (b == 3); /* Logical Operation, result: 0 (false), as b = 4 */
    bool r2 = (a == 3) || (b == 3); /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true), as a = 3 */
    bool r3 = a == c; /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true), as 3 = 3.0 */
    bool r4 = a == d; /* Logical Operation, result: 0 (false), as 3 < 3.001 */
    bool r5 = a == (uint8_t)d; /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true), as 3 = 3 */
    bool r6 = a >= b; /* Logical Operation, result: 0 (false) */
    bool r7 = !(a >= b); /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true) */
    return 0; 

Here we compare if a equals 3, which is true, and compare if b equals 3 which is false and then we perform an AND operation between the two, which results in false.

bool r1 = (a == 3) && (b == 3); /* Logical Operation, result: 0 (false), as b = 4 */

And here we do the same comparisons for a and b but then we perform an OR operation. This time the results is true is at least one of the expressions is true. Not that the logic here is different than with bitwise operations. An AND between multiple expressions is true only when all expressions are true. An OR between multiple expressions is true if at least one of the expressions is true.

bool r2 = (a == 3) || (b == 3); /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true), as a = 3 */

We can compare values directly here and the results is true since a equals c

bool r3 = a == c; /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true), as 3 = 3.0 */

But a is not equal to d so that’s false.

bool r4 = a == d; /* Logical Operation, result: 0 (false), as 3 < 3.001 */

If we convert d to an int we drop the decimal and it becomes equal to a

bool r5 = a == (uint8_t)d; /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true), as 3 = 3 */

a is smaller than b

bool r6 = a >= b; /* Logical Operation, result: 0 (false) */

and since a is smaller than d, the value in the bracket is false, if we NOT this value we get a true.

bool r7 = !(a >= b); /* Logical Operation, result: 1 (true) */

Float vs Integer Math

There are a few important points to discuss regarding integer versus floating point math.

Remember that if you are performing arithmetic operations on integers, any decimal fraction resulting from the operation will be discarded. Should you just save the result into a float variable? Well, close but that’s not the complete picture.

Let’s see how that works.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

    uint8_t a = 3;
    uint8_t b = 4; 
    float bf = 4.0;
    uint16_t c = b / a;  /* integer divide operaton, result: 1 */
    uint16_t d = a / b;  /* integer divide operaton, result: 0 */
    uint16_t e = a / bf; /* float divide operaton,   result: 0, since e is an int */
    float    f = a / bf; /* float divide operation,  result: 0.75 */
    float    g = a / b;  /* integer divide operation, result: 0, even if g is float */
    cout << g << endl;
    return 0; 

Both d and a are integers, the division operation is done in integer math, the result is not 1.3 but 1, before the result is saved to the variable c

uint16_t c = b / a;  /* integer divide operaton, result: 1 */

The same applies here, a / b is 0.75 but this is integer math so the answer is 0.

uint16_t d = a / b;  /* integer divide operaton, result: 0 */

Here we divide the integer a by the float bf, this makes the math carried in float terms so the result is 0.75, but because it is saved into an integer the fraction is dropped and the value stored in e is 0

uint16_t e = a / bf; /* float divide operaton,   result: 0, since e is an int */

The math here is floating point math and now that the value to which the result is stored into is a float, then f would indeed store 0.75.

float f = a / bf; /* float divide operation,  result: 0.75 */

Here, even though the result variable is a float, again the mathematical operation was carried using integer math, because the values involved in the math operation are all integers.

float    g = a / b;  /* integer divide operation, result: 0, even if g is float */

Float operation but int variable

Instead of using a float data type, if it is only required that a float operation be a subpart of a division, then, either the order of the operation would have to be adjusted such that multiplication occurs before division, such as with variable b below.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

    uint8_t a = (3 / 4) * 4 ;      /* stored result: 0 */
    uint8_t b = (3 * 4) / 4 ;      /* stored result: 3 */
    uint8_t c = (3/(float)4) * 4 ; /* stored result: 3 */
    cout << (int)c << endl;
    return 0; 

Or the variable can be temporarily casted to a float in place here (float)

uint8_t c = (3/(float)4) * 4 ; /* stored result: 3 */

Both would allow for the result to be calculated.

Type-Casting floats

If one of the numbers in an arithmetic operation is expressed as a float, like the 240.0 here. Then this is an implicit way to ensure the arithmetic operation is performed in float terms.

Alternatively, a variable can be casted in-place to be a float, this basically creates a new temporary value that is a float. It does not change the variable itself to a float.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

    uint8_t input_voltage = 130;
    uint8_t output_speed;

    /* Output Speed = (Input Voltage) / 240 * 9 */
    output_speed = input_voltage / 240.0 * 9; /* Dividing by a float implicitly */
    output_speed = (float)input_voltage / 240 * 9; /* Casting to a float, then dividing by an int */

    cout << (uint16_t)output_speed << endl;
    return 0; 

We can cast variables from one type to another. Again, this doesn’t change the variable type itself, but creates a new temporary variable of a different type in place of the cast+variable operation.

Even if you know the new variable can accept the value coming from an older but different data type variable, it is good practice to explicitly type cast to show intent and awareness that the type of the data has changed.

When performing floating point math, it is often desired to temporarily cast an int to a float to retain fractional values.

Assigning values between nonmatching datatypes can result in hard to track bugs, and worse, engineering disasters.

Next: Control Structures